The CICERO project has been launched with the kickoff meeting in Wiener Neustadt.
In the preparation phase the environment for the project has been prepared and all participating organisations cared for the necessary ressources and the environmental conditions to start the project.
Specifically, this covered
- Internal meetings of each project team in each organization to define the various roles and final responsibilities within the organization, and to select the relevant people due to their skills, knowledge and abilities.
- Internal meetings in each partner’s organization to discuss, to plan and to structure the upcoming activities
- Each participating organization standardizes their address pool for the further use in the dissemination work
- Development of proposals for indicators to identify all project-relevant stakeholders outside the organisation
- Stakeholders are identified by name (as target groups of dissemination activities in each organization)
- Work plan reviews in order to optimize the timing for the implementation phase
- Papers and relevant documents for the project´s content are published in a web-based repository at the collaboration platform for preliminary reading
- Preparation of the KickOff Meeting