[1] Esthetical Photography – Image Composition

This module deals with the creation of pictures

This module covers some basic concepts for camera control. It also covers some aspects of classical composition techniques and discuss how a picture is aesthetically perceived and why. 
Teaching objectives
By the completion of the module/activity, you will be able to:

  • Understand and control the camera, including Image Formats, Aperture, Aspect Ratio, Bokeh, Depth of Field, Digital Vs. Optical, Exposure, Exposure Compensation, File Formats, Focal Length, Focus, Flashes, ISO, Manual vs Automatic Modes, Metering, Noise, Shutter Speed, White Balance, as well as how to hold a camera properly.
  • Consciously apply classical and common aesthetic design elements: Rule of third, The Golden Ratio, The Principles of Gestalt, Leading Lines, use the Interplay between Foreground and Background, Perspective Change, Colour Composition and Contrasts, etc
  • Understand and utilise aspects for image control, such as Figure, Proximity, Similarity, Closure and Balance

 Here are the various learning contents

Cameras and Camera Controls
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