Current and Last Activities

Project Activities
The project activities focus on the development of a Blended Learning course for adults. This course will use photography as the engine to develop certain digital competence of the course participants. These competences are taken from the DigComp Framework 2.0 of the European Community. The major activities of the consortium members are: Course Development The Read More ...

The CICERO Course
The CICERO Course about digital photography is a tool to teach the participants digital competencies. This course follows the Flipped Learning1 approach (as developed by Jon Bergmann). This means basically competency-based Blended Learning (as a delivery method), where theoretical knowledge is conveyed in modern On-site teaching and training (using an active teaching approach), while various Read More ...

Photo Contest Awards
The jury awarded three images, one award has been given by the audience (with public voting). 1st place GEORGIOS PATTAS: The Deer of Rhodes Jury comment: A well chosen motive and the photographer has used the light creatively, while also covering the current environment, connecting the new and the old. 2nd place Read More ...